Tuesday, September 13, 2011
My Etsy Store
The TeaBag Wisdom for today said, "Be proud of who you are." I interpret that to mean that I should not cower away behind my machine and sew in vain. Given the opportunity, I should share my little business with people so that they will, in turn, share it with others. That is, indeed, the basis of social networking, right? My children do not know a time without Facebook or Twitter. They even remember MySpace! The days before cell phones are as foreign to them as the days before landlines are to people of my generation. They believe that actually using a phone to talk is "old fashioned", and they can carry on hour-long conversations via a tiny touch-screen keyboard, but they have a hard time talking to us at the dinner table!
So, with a little inspiration from my morning Tea Bag, I have decided to blog just a little about my Etsy Store, ~ Jumpin' In Puddles~. You can visit my store, anytime, day or night. You can choose to purchase the items that are already in my store, or you can give me your ideas so that I can create something extra special just for you!
Every item in my store has a story. The portrait dresses were inspired by my love for all things Mela Wilson...circa 1985-present. The bloomers were inspired by my belief that every bottom is cuter with satin ribbons. The Maggie dress is named so because it was the first garment that my oldest daughter ever made, and she was 12 at the time! The Parker is a variation of a classic little boy's romper. The first one that I made was for my baby cousin, Parker. His mama and I are the exact same age, and we graduated from high school together. We share 4 of the most awesome ladies in the universe as our Grandmothers and Great Aunts, and the Great Grandmother that we shared was her other Great Grandmother's best friend.
Everytime that someone purchases from ~Jumpin' In Puddles~, I am humbled. First I was a teacher, and then I was a mom. I have NEVER worked in retail in my life, and I certainly have had a lot to learn about business. I guess I come by ownership honestly, though. My daddy was a business owner. My father inlaw is a business owner. My husband is a business owner. I had a lot of good examples to follow. Every item in my store tells the browser and the buyer that I am definitely proud of who I am.
Monday, September 12, 2011
I had 2 babies. The inspirations kept on coming, and so did the lesson plans, homework, diapers, and bottles!
Atlanta, GA. My home became my classroom.
Now, 12 years later, people ask me where we want to retire.
I simply respond, "Paint Me A Birmingham". It is still my inspiration.
One may have a "feel good" statement...EVEN CLOUDY DAYS CAN HAVE A SUNNY ENDING. Others my have a direct command...OBEY, SERVE, LOVE, EXCEL.
Moreover [let us also be full of joy now!] let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patient and unswerving endurance.
Romans 5: 3
Hebrews 6: 12
Psalm 23
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,[a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD
If anyone serves Me, he must continue to follow Me [to cleave steadfastly to Me, conform wholly to My example in living and, if need be, in dying] and wherever I am, there will My servant be also. If anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.
So.....I may or may not write everyday. I have to be inspired. While inspiration is all around me, I am often blind to it, whether I am caught up in my duties or simply caught up in my inner self. As we know from living 10 years after 9/11, challenges may be brick walls, but they are not un-scaleable! My challenge is to be more aware of the inspiration around me so that I can share them. My family feels strongly that I should write a book....how can I write a book if I don't get out of myself?
Sunday, September 11, 2011
He Got SOME of Us....We Got ALL of HIM! September 11, 2011
We've heard many stories about that day and the time immediately following, but three stood out to me the most.
~September 11, 2011~ George W Bush was reading to a class of Elementary Schoolers in Sarasota, Florida when he was told via a whisper in his ear. Many, including myself, would have jumped up and stormed out of the room in a panic. I probably would have locked down the school in fear. W didn't. He sat, expressionless, as he mentally processed the information and the school's teacher was speaking. He didn't want to upset the children. He wasn't thinking of himself. He wasn't thinking of his family or career. He was thinking of the children. Right then and there, W became a hero of 9/11.
~~September 11, 2011~~One of the first NYPD Chaplains to arrive on the scene ran into the building that others were sprinting from and some were crawling from. We ran in so that he could help. Maybe he planned to physically rescue people. Maybe he planned to sit with people who were on their way to heaven. It's completely unclear. We do know that as The Mayor left him earlier that morning, he promised to pray for the Mayor, the city, and the nation. We know that as he entered that building, he was not only praying, but he was acting. When his body was found, the men carried him out, down to the church, up the aisle to the alter, and laid his body there at the foot of the cross. The great news was that his soul had already made it to the foot of the cross in Heaven. At the moment that he entered the Tower, the NYPD Chaplain became a hero of 9/11.
~~~September 13, 2011~~A group of firefighters/first responders made their way into the core of one of the fallen towers. There was bent steel and rubble everywhere. I am sure they also saw many gruesome things, as by then it was a recovery mission. One man made his way into a cavern that was created by the explosion and collapse of the buildings, near where the US Customs offices once were. It was twilight, and what was left of the day made it's way through the rubble and the carnage, and shone on none other but a CROSS. It was a cross of steel. It had a piece of metal draped over one of it's arms, "Like the drape we use at Easter", according to the man who found it. He brought others to see it. They were convicted to preserve it, and it now stands at Ground Zero as a permanent fixture. The placement of that cross among all the horror was not a coincidence. That cross was GOD's message to us that no matter what we experience in our life, HE is bigger. No matter what, if we wish to be healed, HE can heal us. At each moment the planes hit the buildings and at the moment that Todd Beamer declared, "Let's Roll", God became a hero of 9/11.
Of course, there are countless other heroes of that day. Each person who lost his or her life that day or in days since as a result of the attacks is a hero. Each spouse, parent, and child who lost a loved one is a hero. My daughter didn't ask me about the heroes, but if she had, I would have said that the "little ones" of 9/11, those who lost parents as well as all of the others in America, are heroes. They are heroes because they give us something to keep fighting for! They give us the faith to fall down at the cross and give it all to God. They give the SEALS and the other men and women of our Armed Forces the courage to risk their lives so that the US can remain the most powerful and secure country in the world. The difference between terrorists and American Soldiers is courage.
Osama got SOME of Us....We Got ALL of HIM!
God's Got ALL of US....We've Got ALL of HIM!!!
September 11, 2011
God Bless America!!!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Until now, felt very tiny amongst the millions of surfers of the worldwide web. However, now that I have found The Adventures of J-Man and Millerbug at http://myadventureinmommyhood.blogspot.com, I feel that I am actually floating on a surfboard that will not sink! Jeannette Fender is my Queen of the blogosphere. She has great ideas, she is very informative, and she is 100% approachable. Her blog shows photos of a really cute family. If I didn't know better, I would think that she is in her teens!! I have posted her Blog Hop below this passage, and I encourage everyone who reads my blog to spread the word, link up to the Hop, and we can all help each other out!! Thank you, Jeannette, for your dedication and expertise!! My readers can get to her page by clicking on her button on the upper left corner of this entry!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
A New Beginning

What does the phrase, "almost a year later" mean to you?
In September, 2010, I feared what the next year would bring.
In November, 2010, I met
happiness in The Word.
joy in my family.
bliss in the classroom.
Christmas brought
Then, the snow stuck around
feet, not inches.
for what seemed like months.
Spring had sprung,
birthdays came
Teenagers blossomed along with my Petunias.
They planned movie outings, shopping sprees, make-up, and
Camp Ridgecrest.
I left the classroom knowing that
God knows what's around my corners.
God has a better plan.
God wants me to work to glorify Him.
God's Plan A is often my Plan B.
For many, that is cliche. For Christians, that is Gospel.
The phrase, "Almost a year later" means
~custom clothing for boys and girls~
"Almost a year later" means
Reconnection with old friends
MJ Kayser Ramo
Abby Hanlin Stimpson
Cammie Harper Singleton
Gina Postiglione Lee
Robin Long Brunson
Jill Puckett Aldridge
Megan Saxon Murphree
Sandy Burns
Cristen Taylor
Meeting New Friends
Leslie Yankie Guilian
~aka The Paperdoll~
Beth Owens
Susan Cowan of Betty Sue's Quilt Shop
Cristine Smiga
Jori Harman
A Renewed Family Bond
Nancy and Steve Walker
~aka Camp Nancy~
Devin & Christine Walker
Deanna Walker
Edna Rubley
Melissa Rubley Dixon
Clara Brennan
A new marriage on "the Myrick side"
Deanna Marie Walker to Evan Seaman
A new cousin on "the Sullivan side"
Teagan Christine Castelanetta
A new fiance on "the Muzi side"
Kyle Jacobs to Sara Muzi
A new home for Andrea
She's only 40 miles away, but we miss her sooooo.....
A new companion for my Mama.
Around the same time that the daffodils began to peek through the leftover snow, I was introduced to one of the most compelling books that I have ever read. It was a short read, but a hard one. It was definitely not the type of book that one reads with the hopes of curing insomnia. It was thought provoking. It was reminiscent of my own father's life as a part-time "lay missionary". It was convicting. It lived up to its name.
Ten months ago, "almost a year" was a frightening phrase. Now, "almost a year" is a phrase on my short term goal list.
In "almost a year", I want to
have to buy a new sewing machine because I have worn mine out.
use my proceeds and time in a mission project.
be able to "hire" my girls to sew for me.
In "almost a year", I will be able to help others BECAUSE of the trials and journeys that I have endured.
"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might." Ecclesiastes 9:10
Thursday, February 10, 2011
If God is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us?
I guess God is showing us how powerful He really can be. He is reminding us that His will is the ONLY will that matters. With the turn of the new year, I leave sickness and death behind, and God brings Snowmaggedon 2011 to my back door--literally. 10 days of snow and ice, 4 days of no MAIL service, and a week or more of no extra-curricular activities (yeah, I have to admit that I kind of liked that part), yielded cranky husbands, whiny daughters, and lots of school work to be made up. Then, the sun shone, the temps climbed, and we eventually stopped talking about it, until Wednesday night, February 9, 2011. It was a month to the day of the onset of Snowmageddon 2011.
The snow that we woke to was beautiful, but the roads were not.
However, after checking all websites and seeing that there were only 11 school closures, I didn't even think twice about the roads. I was about half way to school with the girls, driving along my usual route, which carried the usual traffic load, when all of a sudden I drove onto a patch of "black ice", and my world started spinning...literally. We skidded and slid in multiple figure 8 formations across Hog Mountain Road until we came to a safe landing in a ditch off the OPPOSITE shoulder. I could have killed 20 + people, including my own daughters, but amazingly no one was injured and Bessie the Minivan survived without a scratch.God provided an off duty paramedic (whom I almost hit) and an off duty detective (3 cars back watching the my amazing stunts) right away. We were treated like queens, and Marc came to drive the van out of our landing spot...2 feet from a big hearty Georgia Pine! God is GOOD ALL the time!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Attempting To Launch
A couple of weeks ago, I finally "opened" my etsy store to sell children's clothing that I create. Of course, there is an over-abundance of information to muddle through, and I am still in the process of finding my niche, network, group, and circle. I am also still tweaking my adsense with coupon codes, buttons, and badges.
Am I the same person who told her mother that the main idea of the internet is to simplify life? I am thankful a million times over that my livelyhood does not depend on the profit of my little cyber shop, because though I have launched, I am still not at cruising altitude! So, I am asking for a little "social networking" from anyone who reads this blog...young and old! Please, share my blog with everyone you know...in the real world as well as in cyberspace. Tell them that they can find my shop at www.etsy.com/shop/baby2bigkid; on etsysaver; on Facebook: Jumpin In Puddles; and here on my blog www.mamaof2tweens.blogspot.com. The orange badge above is a link straight to my etsy store. Please feel free to "grab" it if you know how. I am still trying to figure all of the badges and buttons out.
Thankfully, trial by fire is Biblical.
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Today's sermon was quite fitting. The last in the "What do you have to Lose" series, it talked about leaving your hurts, habits, and hangups at the alter and clinging to Philippians 4:13--"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Yes, once again, Larry was talking right to me! I need to leave my grief for God to bear. I need to leave my fear of failure in the children's clothing world at the cross. I need to follow the doors that God opens-and closes-as I seek full time employment "in the classroom" so that my girls can continue their studies in a Christian classroom. I have no problem leaving grief at the altar. Who wants that anyway, right? However, I feel like I leave my fears only to pick them up again. Ironically, fear is often like a security blanket for me. If I am not in fear or worrying about a particular situation, I feel like I am ignoring it. Today, I realized that giving it away and ignoring it are two different things. I give it to God, and he will give me avenues to take that will eliminate that fear. So really, what DO I have to lose?
Tomorrow won't come soon enough. It will be the 100th day of school!!! YIPPEE!!! We have 100 minutes of exploration planned for the afternoon. The students will rotate to 4 25 minute sessions. My session is EXERCISE! In this area, I know exactly what I have to lose. I will refrain from sharing just exactly how much....
Check out my etsy site...www.etsy.com/shop/baby2bigkid Tell all of your friends! I'm not scared!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Up Close and Spiritual
However, I did get some really cute outfits started for some friends, and I will post photos eventually. I am trying to get my Etsy site up and running, but my real life keeps getting in the way! I am now serving another interim in the 3rd grade at Hebron Christian Academy, and I am in Heaven on Earth. It is quite possibly the most amazing place to teach and learn. God has been so good to me!
God is so good. This is my theme for 2011. It is no secret that my life was turned upside down several times in 2010, and there were times when there was no place for me to look but UP. When I looked into my sweet Daddy's eyes each day between July 7 and September 3, I never knew if I was going to get another chance. On September 3, he hugged me and Marc with strength that he hadn't had all Summer. He then engaged Marc's attention and pointed to me and back to Marc. He then put his hand over his heart, winked at me, and smiled. We told him that we would see him soon, and we left his bedside to attend our dear friends' wedding at the beach. Less than 48 hours later, my Daddy was sitting at the right hand of our Father, and we were scurrying around trying to figure out how to enter into yet another "new normal". Though we are all so thrilled that my daddy is now living eternally in a perfectly healed state, it has been tough to get used to. I still half-way expected him to knock on my door with my mama on December 23. The van's air conditioner broke in my van, and I instinctively dialed his number. While I have the peace that passes all understanding that everyone prayed over us for, I am still having to learn to live without my daddy--my true first love. I have declared to the Lord that I am in a state of emergency. I have dedicated this year to my spiritual revival. I read scripture, and my favorite way to worship is through praise music. However, I want to truly live "in the word", trusting God in every area of my life. I want to live simply, not worrying about the fluff in life. I want to spend my time with my family and friends. I want to enjoy every minute for what it really is: precious time here on Earth with the people that Jesus has let me borrow from Him. I want Him to use me to impact those people for Him.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11