Monday, July 4, 2011


After a quite successful "Grand Opening" and entry into the blogosphere, I returned to the etsy teams that helped me "get out there", and I came across the Blog Hop. Until now, I have had to "walk softly and carry a big stick" as I trudged my way through cyberspace. No, I am not uneducated. I have a Master's Degree, in fact. My problem is that I obtained my Master's Degree well before the 21st century, thus I typed my papers on a Word Processor, and I took tests that were scored by Scantron machines. No, I am not uneducated, I am in the "over 40 crowd", mostly composed of people who rely on their children or younger relatives to interpret the workings of technology. You see, I was 27 when I bought my first cell phone (yes, it was in a bag), but my daughters were 12 and 13 when I gave them their first IPhone. At our house, the deal is that if you aren't responsible enough to have something, you don't get it. Well, they are not only responsible enough to use an IPhone, they know so much more about it that they had to teach me how to use mine...the one that I bought when I was 40!

Until now, felt very tiny amongst the millions of surfers of the worldwide web. However, now that I have found The Adventures of J-Man and Millerbug at, I feel that I am actually floating on a surfboard that will not sink! Jeannette Fender is my Queen of the blogosphere. She has great ideas, she is very informative, and she is 100% approachable. Her blog shows photos of a really cute family. If I didn't know better, I would think that she is in her teens!! I have posted her Blog Hop below this passage, and I encourage everyone who reads my blog to spread the word, link up to the Hop, and we can all help each other out!! Thank you, Jeannette, for your dedication and expertise!!
My readers can get to her page by clicking on her button on the upper left corner of this entry!
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