Thursday, February 10, 2011

If God is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011 brought news of yet another Winter Weather Advisory fast approaching the Metro Area. I am willing to bet that 99.9% of parents and over 80% of students within the boundaries of this Advisory were hoping that school would be OPEN today, if for no other reason than that we have all memorized every level of every Wii game known to man and that we have holes in our outerwear from the last week of sledding. We are Georgians. We like our SEASONS. We like that our SEASONS are mild. I like the mildness and general predictability because it helps me handle the OTHER seasons of my life with a little more composure. Contrary to the fact that we are home of the CNN Headquarters and a base for FOX News, we would rather make headlines because the Republicans gained back the Gold Dome or because our homeschool kids win spelling bees. We cherish the fact that we are NOT factors in nationwide weather statistics.

I guess God is showing us how powerful He really can be. He is reminding us that His will is the ONLY will that matters. With the turn of the new year, I leave sickness and death behind, and God brings Snowmaggedon 2011 to my back door--literally. 10 days of snow and ice, 4 days of no MAIL service, and a week or more of no extra-curricular activities (yeah, I have to admit that I kind of liked that part), yielded cranky husbands, whiny daughters, and lots of school work to be made up. Then, the sun shone, the temps climbed, and we eventually stopped talking about it, until Wednesday night, February 9, 2011. It was a month to the day of the onset of Snowmageddon 2011.
The snow that we woke to was beautiful, but the roads were not.
However, after checking all websites and seeing that there were only 11 school closures, I didn't even think twice about the roads. I was about half way to school with the girls, driving along my usual route, which carried the usual traffic load, when all of a sudden I drove onto a patch of "black ice", and my world started spinning...literally. We skidded and slid in multiple figure 8 formations across Hog Mountain Road until we came to a safe landing in a ditch off the OPPOSITE shoulder. I could have killed 20 + people, including my own daughters, but amazingly no one was injured and Bessie the Minivan survived without a scratch.
God provided an off duty paramedic (whom I almost hit) and an off duty detective (3 cars back watching the my amazing stunts) right away. We were treated like queens, and Marc came to drive the van out of our landing spot...2 feet from a big hearty Georgia Pine! God is GOOD ALL the time!