Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This Is Why.....And How

My love- hate relationship with "the computer" was more "hate" than "love" in the beginning. I am from one of the last generations that can honestly say, "I didn't have a computer in my dorm room"; "I got my first home computer as a wedding gift, and it was cool to hear the little AOL voice announce, 'you've got mail', but since we had to pay for the internet by the minute or something crazy like that, I only got to hear that cool voice once or twice a day"; and finally, the most popular line in our tween-ravaged household..."I bought my first cell phone when I was 27, and it was as big as our cordless landline!" All this being said, I was one of the last teachers at my former school to completely give up her hard copy, spiral bound gradebook, and I have NEVER EVER learned how to use Quicken or file taxes online. However, having tweenagers who actually use lap-tops at school and who looked totally bumfuzzled when Santa brought the obligatory red and blue Webster's Dictionary one Christmas...they wearily announced that the "real dictionary" is Dictionary.com, and it is alot easier to use than this million page book...along with the evolution of social networking from Facebook to Twitter and everything in between, I have grown to love the ease that cyberspace and technology affords us, now that we are in the 21st Century (and now that I have finally come to terms with that fact). I would say that I have "become my Mama" when relating to my children, but that is not entirely accurate. When I asked her a question she could not answer, she encouraged me to go to the library and research it. When my girls ask me a question that I cannot answer, or at least don't want them to find the answer without a little sweat, I say, "Just Google it"! Now, back to the networking thing...Facebook...we all know that it is as addictive as a Diet Coke and a Frat Boy who has beautiful eyes but can't dance nearly as well as he thinks he can. However, unlike most addictions, you don't have to be "predisposed" to a Facebook addiction, and once you sign on, you will find lots of old friends and find yourself telling your 88 year- old grandmother that she needs a facebook page! Now, I love my MawMaw, and she is smart enough to create a page, but she isn't who has brought me to this blog. My beautiful, funny, free-spirited, smart, talented, and ( did I mention beautiful?) ageless sorority sister has encouraged me to start blogging. Now, before she told me that she was sure that I would have lots of great ideas and stories to share, I truly thought that blogs were pretty vain things, unless you are sharing an event (life-changing or otherwise) with family and friends, trying to sell something, or posting tutorials, or something like that. THEN I read her "Musings of a Mommy of 2"....thinking that it would be about her 2 kiddoes......She is writing about SHOES! She loves shoes, she loves to shop for shoes, and everyone who has ever known her knows that she is tall, slender, and LOOKS BEAUTIFUL in any shoes...even slippers! To top it off, her blog is entertaining! That is when it hit me....the definition of BLOG is "WEB LOG".....so I can "log" things in an entertaining way without feeling like I am writing down my deepest, darkest thoughts, secrets, and underwear colors for people to read, as if I truly believe they care! I can "log" things that will make people think...laugh...cry....pray....and maybe even buy a pair of shoes. Wait, Gina loves shoes. She calls them "Tranny Shoes". I love bags...purses, wallets to match, duffels, makeup bags, pretty much any bag that can tote something. A monogrammed bag will really send me into orbit, too! I lovingly call myself a Bag Whore. Yes, I am aware that is not a "lady like" term, but come on (Mama, MawMaw)...I am referring to myself....not my once sorority sister, lifelong friend, who has introduced me to Blogging...as if I don't have anything else to do...like take my daughter to her softball game. She has pictures in 45 minutes, and she is snoring on my chaise, still wearing her school uniform.....

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